Toby Fleishman knew what to expect when he and his wife of almost fifteen years separated: weekends and every other holiday with the kids, some residual bitterness, the occasional moment of tension in their co-parenting negotiations.

The Golden - Stage Set

Toby’s Apartment - Stage Set

Toby and Rachel’s first apartment - Stage Set

Fleishman And Co - Build on location

St. Thadeus Doctor’s Office 

St. Thadeus Doctor’s Offices - Stage Build

St. Thadeus ICU - Build On Location

Everglade - Build On Location

Everglade  Suite - Stage Set

Libby’s NJ Home - Location

Libby’s Bedroom / Bathroom - Stage Set

Nahid’s Uptown Apartment - Stage Set

Vantablack Exhibition -  Build On Location at The Musem of Natural History

Vantablack Exhibition - Stage Build

Camp Marah - Location

Mans Magazine 2001 Build- On Location


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